Terms of Reference – Production of investigative documentary and media presence on working conditions and minimum wage in the country


Title of the action: Production of investigative documentary and media presence on working conditions and minimum wage in the country.


IKS is implementing the project “Toward Social Justice and Equity”, funded by International Swedish Agency for development – SIDA, through Community Development Fund – CDF. The Overall Objective of the Project is to contribute to greater social justice by improving implementation of labor rights and labor-related legislation through enabling active engagement of civil society and social partners. A greater social justice would contribute to better distribution of opportunities, wealth and privileges in the society. This would directly enhance the condition in the labor market for all workers and especially the more vulnerable groups: women and formally and informally employed in the private sector, as the least protected categories in the labor market at risk of being poor. To achieve this, we have set the specific objectives of the Project such as:

SO1: Increase civil society and citizen engagement in reporting labor-related violations and enforcement of labor rights and Occupational Safety and Health;

 S02: Promote social justice and especially OSH law enforcement across the labor-market and in public domain;

 $03: Strengthen the capacities of Social Partners to more effectively represent their constituencies;

S04: Contribute to Policy Debate by analyzing, debating and initiating pol icy change;

SO5: influence and support initiatives for establishment of trade unions in the private sector in non-traditional trade union sectors.

1.  Scope of Work:

The contract on production of investigative documentary and media presence aims to address key issues related to living conditions and poverty, particularly focusing on the perspectives and concerns of the minimum waw. Through this service contract, the objective is to develop investigative and informative documentary that shed light on the various facets of living conditions and establish a strong media presence, including social media platforms, to amplify the project’s impact.

Professional company/expert will be selected in a competitive process. The main mean of distribution will be through social media, but also in local media. The selected contractor is expected to perform the following tasks:

2. Video Production: 

 – Develop a concept and storyboard for the documentary.

– Conduct interviews with relevant identified stakeholders, including realistic characters, or representatives, experts, and industry professionals if that applies.

– Film and produce high-quality videos that effectively communicate with target audience on living conditions.

 – Ensure the videos comply with ethical guidelines and respect the diversity of perspectives.

3.  Media Presence:

 – Create and implement a comprehensive media strategy to ensure broad dissemination of project-related content.

– Manage presence in media and social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, lnstagram, and others.

4.  Outputs:

– A documentary reflecting the living conditions and minimum wage in Kosovo.

– The documentary should have investigative content and be developed in the field in realistic conditions with chosen characters.

5.  Capacities Required

The following are the key minimum capabilities required for the proper execution of the above scope of work:

  • Has the necessary qualified human and technical resources capable of completing the assignment within the given time limit with high professionalism.
  • Capacities to develop high quality video materials and visual campaign.
  • Proven experience in working with the Civil Society Sector and Donors.
  • Creativity in carrying out and developing the required activities.
  • Provide transportation for filming team and equipment tv within Kosovo based on the needs of the project.

6. Timing and Location

 The service agreement will start from the 19th of April 2024 until 30th of April 2024.

7.  Eligibility

  • Extensive and proven experience in production and editing of high-quality videos.
  • Excellent technical capacities.
  • Experience working with non-governmental organizations and international agencies.
  • Able to work under time pressure.

8.  Payment

The amount maximum amount foreseen for this service will be agreed upon. Payments will be made in one instalment.

9.  Evaluation grid

The Contracting authority selects the offer with the best value for money using an 80/20 weighing between technical quality and price. Evaluation will be based on the following grid:

  • Evaluation process Points
  • General professional experience 40%
  • Specific professional experience 40%

10. Submitting the offer

All companies/ expert that would like to express their interest, send the proposal along with financial offer, at email address brikena_berisha@iksweb.org, no later than 17th of April 2024.

Download the full document here: TOR – Video Production

Terms of Reference – Experts for Youth participation in Kosovo and Albania, Desk research on youth policies

Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe-RYDE (hereinafter referred to as the Project) financed by the European Union (EU), on the basis of grant no. 441-454, is being implemented in the period from February 1, 2023 until January 31, 2026. The Center for Democracy Foundation from Belgrade (Serbia) is the lead partner of the Project and coordinates the work of project partners (hereinafter referred to as Partners) in the consortium consisting of Academy of European Integrations and Negotiations-AIEN and Youth Act from Tirana (Albania),  Network of Progressive Initiatives-NPI from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), NGO Info Center from Skopje (North Macedonia), Kosovar Stability Initiative-KSI from Prishtina (Kosovo*) and Regional Academy for Democratic Development – ADD from Novi Sad (Serbia).

For more information, visit this link Lot 2_Terms of Reference

Wearing it Off

The research on worker rights in Kosovo reveals a complex landscape marked by progress and challenges. The study focused on assessing the current state of worker rights, understanding the legal framework, examining workplace conditions, and identifying areas for improvement. The findings offer insights into worker rights status in Kosovo and underscore the need for comprehensive reforms and increased awareness. The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards serve as a framework for evaluating a company's performance in areas beyond just financial metrics. A critical component of the social aspect of ESG is the protection and promotion of worker rights, ensuring fair treatment, safety, and equitable working rights for employees. This research endeavors to delve into the intersection of worker rights and ESG standards within the specific context of Kosovo.

Read the full report here:



Përcjellja e vazhdueshme dhe adresimi i perceptimeve, qëndrimeve dhe opinioneve të qytetarëve për çështjet sociale ka rëndësi të posaçme kur flitet për përmirësimin e mirëqenies në një shoqëri. Dialogu i vazhdueshëm social nuk është i kompletuar pa të dhëna nga terreni të marrura direkt nga qytetarët në të cilat përcillet në mënyrë reale qasja në të ardhura, standardi i jetesës, shteti i mirëqenies dhe perceptimet e qytetarëve për këto fusha. Inputet e mbledhura në këtë hulumtim i shërbejnë drejtpërdrejtë procesit apo thënë më mire cilësisë së një dialogu shoqëror efikas, duke ndikuar kështu në një jetesë të denjë për qytetarë e Kosovës.

Ky raport vjen si vazhdimësi e hulumtimeve të kësaj teme, të kryera nga IKS për vite me radhë. Nga hulumtimi i parë i kryer në kuadër të gjithë Kosovës, u pa se është shumë e nevojshme që hulumtimet të bëhen në kuadër të qyteteve specifike, marrë parasysh dallime të theksuara në mes të qytetarëve varësisht nga vendi ku jetojnë. Si rrjedhojë, ‘Perceptimet, opinionet dhe qëndrimet e qytetarëve të Prishtinës’ është finalizuar në vitin 2020, për t’i lënë rradhë këtë vit hulumtimit me qytetarët e Prizrenit dhe të Mitrovicës së Jugut.


Merita Berisha – Prebreza i është bashkuar ekipit të IKS-it në Maj të vitit 2016. Ka përfunduar bachelor-in për Gazetari në Universitetin “Hasan Prishtina” si dhe është kandidate për Master në Gazetari dhe Marrëdhënie me Publikun.

Merita fillimisht ka punuar si gazetare në Radio Televizionin 21 e më pas edhe si gazetare dhe organizatore në emisionin “Ekonomia me Erëzën” Produkt i RedMill Agency.

Përceptimi dhe Qendrimet e Qytetarëve për Shtetin Social

This report is part of the activities that are planned for the implementation of the Support to Social Partners (SSP) project, funded by EU Office in Kosovo. Specifically, the project contributes to “developing skills and knowledge of social partners in legislation drafting, legal research and analysis”, “strengthen the administrative and management capacities of social partners”, “strengthen the capacities of social partners in advocacy, lobbying and negotiations”, and “facilitating the organizational reform of social partners”.

Raporti e përkrah  drejtpërdrejtë punën e Këshillit Ekonomik dhe Social (KES), i cili me ligj është përgjegjës për lehtësimin e dialogut trepalësh social në vend. Ky raport, që është kontribut i projektit PPS dhe ofron informacione të mbledhura në terren të cilat janë diskutuar në KES. Mbështetje aktive i është dhënë Sekretariatit të KES-it, e cila e kombinuar me digjitalizimin e materialeve të KES- it, për qëllim të përmirësimit te menaxhimit të procesit në kuadër të këtij organi.

The project is streamlined with ongoing processes, and has taken into consideration all major events and programs taking place during the implementation period. The approach of harmonizing all project activities into ongoing processes of other actors is perceived to be the most adequate for obtaining the most qualitative results. As such, some of the project activities are dependent on processes and stakeholder cooperation, and cannot be implemented without their participation.

The purpose of this survey with the general population is to assess the following:

  • The level of public awareness and knowledge about social policies;
  • The level of public opinion and attitude towards welfare systems and level of protection desired by citizens;
  • Public attitude towards illegal migration;
  • Expectations and attitudes of the general public towards social and employment policies;
  • Individual savings habits and attitudes of the general public.

Gjetjet në këtë hulumtim janë reagime të qytetarëve dhe janë të besueshme për t’u përdorur për vendimmarrje. Këto gjetje, përdoren nga anëtarët e Këshillit Ekonomik Social dhe Ministria e Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale. Për këtë arsye, audienca e këtij raporti, janë: përfaqësuesit e institucioneve, organizatat donatore ndërkombëtare, Kuvendi i Kosovës, partitë politike, Organizatat e Shoqërisë Civile , mediat, si dhe publiku i gjerë. 
