IKS Statute

This statute will govern the non-profitable organization Iniciativa Kosovare për Stabilitet (Kosovar Stability Initiative), which was founded in agreement with the Regulation 1999/22 of the Temporary Administration of the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo.

Article 1 – Name, type, address

1.1. This organization will be called Iniciativa Kosovare për Stabilitet (Kosovar Stability Initiative).

1.2. It can also be known as IKS.

1.3. This organization is a non-profit foundation, as defined in the paragraph 2.3 of the UNMIK regulation number 1999/22.

1.4. This organization will not distribute its financial profits to any individual. Assets, income and profits of the organization will be used to support non-profit goals of the organization and will not be used for individual benefits, in a direct or an indirect way by any of the founders, director or employees.

1.5. This organization has its headquarters in Prishtina. Address:

Sheshi Nena Tereze 18/6, Prishtinë Kosovë


Article 2 – Founders

2.1. The founders of the organization are:

1. Florina Jerliu

Address: Bregu i Diellit, Bl II, Hy. 4, Nr. 9, Prishtinë, Kosovë.

2. Besa Shahini

Address: Velania Rr. 6 Nr. 17, Prishtinë, Kosovë

3. Rreze Duli

Address: Rr. Rasim Kiçina, Nr.30, Prishtinë. Kosovë

2.2. Authorized representative of the organization is:

Florina Duli

Address: Rr. Avdyl Ramaj, Nr. 7 Prishtinë, Kosovë

2.3. The authorized representative is appointed by the Board of Directors and has to represent the organization in Kosova as well as accept all the official documents in the name of the organization. She/he will be responsible for informing the relevant authorities of any changes in the organization.


Article 3 – Mission, objectives and activities

3.1. Organization’s mission:

– the mission of this organization is the initiation of public policies in the socio economic field, which are based on detailed development research.

3.2. This organization has been founded in order to reach the following objectives:

– detailed research and analysis of the problems that appear during the socio-economic development process of the country;

– support to the local and international institutions during the policy making process, through offering detailed analysis of the political, social and economic specificities of the country;

– influence the process of policy making and policy implementation;

– develop local research capacities;

– create an information exchange environment, where academic information as well as practical experiences can be exchanged between research institutions locally, regionally and internationally, which could play a positive role in the process of local, regional and international economic and political integration and cooperation.


3.3. For the purposes of achieving its objectives, this organization will undertake, however will not be limited to the following activities:

– empirical research which will serve as a bases for the public policy papers;

– give recommendations to policy makers and institutions that deal with policy implementation, concentrating specifically in the socio-economic aspects of development;

– compiling and publishing policy papers;

– compiling and publishing documents other than the ones mentioned above which will be used to achieve the objectives of the organization;

– organizing working group sessions with the government, non-governmental organizations as well as the civil society in order to discuss the draft policy papers and other ideas for the socio-economic development of the country and the region;

Article 4 – The organs of IKS

4.1. Organs of IKS are:

-The Board of Directors

-The Executive


Article 5 – The Board of Directors

5.1. The Board of Directors is the highest governing organ of IKS, which will be responsible for controlling and leading the financial issues of the organization.

5.2. The Board of Directors will also carry these competencies:

– appoint the Executive Director with consensus and name her/his competencies;

– in cooperation with the Executive Director hire/elect other members of the Executive;

– approves the effective planning of IKS as well as IKS’ strategy;

– approves all projects and budgets of IKS;

– ensures the professional quality of the products and services of IKS;

– evaluates its own work;

– approves the changes of IKS statute and the inner regulations of IKS;

– takes decisions on the issues appertaining IKS, which are not coordinated with this statute or with the inner regulations of the organization.

5.3. On the composition of the Board of Directors decide the founders of IKS. Further composition is decided on by the Board of Directors.

5.4. President of the Board will be elected by the Board of Directors.

5.5. Each President will serve for time frame of 3 (three) years and will keep her/his position until the new director is in place, or until death, resignation, inactivation.

5.6. The Board of Directors will be composed of at least 3 (three) members.

5.7. Members of the Board can be re-elected for more than one mandate in a row.

5.8. Members of the board can be inactivated before their mandate is finished with votes by 2/3 (two third) of the Board of Directors, if these members have not abided by IKS statute or its inner regulations.

5.9. In the case of sudden death, resignation, inactivation of a member of the Board, the Board of Directors will elect a new member unanimously who will serve for the remaining time.

5.10. Decisions of the Board can be taken with 2/3 (two thirds) of the total votes of the Board, except for the election of new members that has to be unanimous.

5.11. No payment or compensation will be given to the members of the Board, unless the payment or the compensation is reasonable and for work done for the organization.

5.12. Individual responsibilities of the Board are stated as following:

– each member of the Board should abstain from voting on a decision/issue which is of personal and/or economic interest to her/him;

– each member of the Board will have to remain loyal to the interests of IKS during the process of decision-making, and she/he will have to be fully dedicated to the mission, objectives and principles of IKS.

– Information obtained from IKS cannot be used by the members of the Board for personal interests.

– Each member not attending a meeting of the board of directors is required to delegate his or her vote to a member attending the meeting in writing prior to the meeting. In case a member fails to do so, his or her voting right is automatically transferred to the President of the Board.

5.13. Meetings of the Board of Directors:

– Board of Directors will meet at least 2 (two) times a year, with a two week notice to the members;

– these meetings have to be called by the President of the Board;

– extraordinary meetings can be called with the approval of 1/3 (one third) of the members of the Board;

– quorum is valid only if at least 2/3 (two thirds) of the members are present in the meeting. Except for the changes of the statute, appointing or inactivating members of the Board, appointing and inactivating members of the Executive (where 2/3 of ALL votes are required, or unanimity, like in the case of appointment of new members of the Board of Directors), in all other cases the decisions are valid if 2/3 (two thirds) of the members present in the meeting vote for them.

Article 6 – Executive

6.1. The members of the executive are the Executive Director and Program Director (s), which members have to be appointed and approved by the Board of Directors.

6.2. Responsibilities of the members of the Executive:

6.2.1. Executive Director has the following responsibilities:

– legal representation of IKS in Kosova and abroad;

– informing the Board of Directors for the development of IKS projects;

– organizing the Board of Director meetings (technical preparations and compilation of the meeting agenda) and participation in the meetings;

– overseeing the quality of programs, products and services of IKS;

– overseeing IKS operations;

– recommending overall budgets of the organization to the Board of Directors for approval;

– implementing the decisions of the Board of Directors;

– managing IKS resources based on inner regulations for personnel which have to be in accordance with the laws in place;

– overseeing the planning and implementation of fundraising;

– recommending appointments for new members of the Board of Directors;

– recommending appointments for new members of the Executive;

– recommending people that could be appointed/hired as new project officials or employees, who will take on the responsibility to finish daily duties of the organization;

– in special cases, some of the above mentioned responsibilities can be delegated to the other members of the Executive.

6.2.2. Program Director (s) has the following responsibilities:

– recommending program budgets to the Board of Directors for approval;

– recommending people that could be appointed/hired as new project officials or employees, who will take on the responsibility to finish daily duties of the organization, as well as manage them according to the inner regulations of IKS;

– planning and implementing fundraising;

– coordinating and implementing projects that go under IKS’ program (s);

– assisting the Executive Director in compiling organization’s development strategies as well as long/short term objectives;

– other responsibilities of the Program Director (s) are clearly stated in her/his job description;

6.3. The work of the members of the Executive can be terminated at any time in the following cases:

– if any of the members of the Executive resign;

– if any of the members of the Executive do not follow the contents of this statute and organization’s inner regulations.

6.4. For termination of the work of the members of the Executive, the same procedures as in appointing/hiring them will be used.

Article 7 – project officials and employees

7.1. If needed, the Board of Directors will name project officials or will hire personnel who will take on the responsibility to finish daily duties of the organization. The time frame for which they will be employed will be determined by the Board of Directors.

7.2. Project officials and other employees will be employed on the basis of written agreements, stating clearly detailed information about the job description and financial reimbursement. All financial reimbursements must be reasonable and given to the project officer/employee only for work done for the organization.

Article 8 – Dissolving the organization

8.1. Organization can be dissolved with the decision of 2/3 (two thirds) of the votes of all members of the Board of Directors.

8.2. When deciding to dissolve IKS – the organization, the Board of Directors will name the association or foundation that will inherit the resources of the organization that remain after closing down all organizational or personnel debts. Inheriting association (s)/foundation (s) has (have) to have same or similar goals to IKS.

Article 9 – Statute amendments

9.1. The existing statute can be amended with a decision by the Board of Directors, with 2/3 (two thirds) of all votes in favour of an amendment amending. The approved version of an amended Statute must be signed by the President of the Board or an authorized representative appointed by the President of the Board.

Article 10 – Financial year and financial reports

10.1. Appointed officials will present yearly financial reports to the Board of Directors, Ministry of Public Services (upon request) and potential donors (upon request).

10.2. Financial year of the organization is the same as the calendar year.

10.3. First financial report comes out in December 2005.

President of the Board (from January 12, 2009)

Delina Fico

Members of the Board:

Shaun Byrnes

Florina Jerliu

Tim Judah

Ardita Zejnullahu

Founding Members:

Rreze Duli

Florina Jerliu

Besa Shahini