Fostering Youth Empowerment and Social Cohesion in Kosovo: A Pathway to EU Integration

Youth cohesion in Kosova, like in many regions, is a multifaceted concept characterized by the solidarity, mutual support, and collective identity among young people. It involves their ability to come together to celebrate their commonalities and navigate their differences, fostering a sense of belonging and community. In Kosova, this cohesion is particularly vital due to the region’s complex socio-political history and the diverse ethnic and cultural makeup of its population. However, to enhance youth cohesion, several particularities need to be addressed. These include improving access to education and employment opportunities, which can alleviate economic disparities and reduce social tensions. Additionally, promoting inclusive activities such in sports and art and dialogue that transcend ethnic lines is crucial for building mutual understanding and respect. Strengthening civic education to instill a sense of shared responsibility towards community and national development can also play a pivotal role in enhancing youth cohesion in Kosova. By focusing on these areas, efforts to bolster youth cohesion can contribute significantly to the region’s stability and prosperity.

This article aims to take stock of three main pillars of social cohesion among the youth in Kosova: Employment, Sports and Culture, and Civic Engagement.

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Preparation of a Baseline Study about gender-based discrimination in the workplace

Kosovar Stability Initiative (IKS), in partnership with Kosovar Gender Studies Center (KGSC), is implementing the project “Advancing Gender Equality and Diversity through Elimination of Gender-Based Discrimination at Workplace”, funded by the European Union, managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo. The main aim of the project is to identify some of the current struggles and challenges in organizing the labor market in Kosovo from the prism of human rights on gender-based discrimination. By identifying the main issues, the proposed action will also list the most appropriate public policies and strategies for the key actors for interventions in the labor market with the purpose of enhancing current norms and practices at work, with an emphasis on underprivileged social groups. The proposed action targets the more sensitive social groups in Kosovo, which stand at the bottom of the social and economic hierarchy, and gives a stance in including and respecting their rights, as a precondition of Kosovo to fulfill EU Accession processes. To achieve this, the specific objectives of the project are committed to:

O1: Improve gender perspective in EU accession documents.

O2: Increase the engagement of women’s organizations in the EU Integration process.

O3: Inform and engage society in Gender and EU Integration discourse

For more information about the proposal, including details, objectives, deliverables, and timeline, please review the document below.