Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe – RYDE

Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe – RYDE project is financed by the European Union. The goal of the project is to contribute to strengthening the participatory democracy of European integration and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans by increasing the influence of civil society organizations (CSOs), youth organizations in particular, in promoting democratic values and the political, economic and social benefits of the European integration of the Western Balkans.

Support to Social Justice Coalition

The Overall Objective of the Project is to contribute to greater social justice through improved implementation of labour rights and labour-related legislation through enabling active engagement of civil society and social partners.

 Specific Objectives of the Project are:

SO1: Increase civil society and citizen engagement in reporting labour-related violations and enforcement of labour rights and Occupational Safety and Health;

SO2: Promote social justice and especially OSH law enforcement across the labour-market and in public domain;

SO3: Strengthen the capacities of Social Partners to more effectively represent their constituencies;

SO4: Contribute to Policy Debate by analysing, debating and initiating policy change;

SO5: influence and support initiatives for establishment of trade unions in the private sector in non-traditional trade union sectors.

As a direct yield of the implementation of the project, the following results will be achieved:

R.1. The labour rights related legislation review and amendement proposes positive changes and provisions.

R.2.. Leadership, management, organizational, advocacy and communication capacities of Social Justice Coalition, other CSOs and the media enhanced;

R.3. CSOs and citizen effectively scrutinize and report on Labour and OSH policy review and implementation;

R.4. 30 cases of conflict mitigation and mediation for violations of labor contracts initiated and resolved;

R.5. 9 policy analyses / briefs produced, promoted and debated publicly;

R.6. Improved linkages between social partners with their constituencies (membership base) through provision of services, increased accountability, visibility and communication.

The project is funded by Sida and managed by UNOPS in Kosovo.

Decent Work for Women

While the focus of CSOs and other actors has rightly been on active labour market projects, decent work has been neglected to date. Regardless of which factor is the most prevalent, it is certain that discrimination of women at workplace happens systematically and their working conditions are far from being decent.

Our goal is to achieve decent work conditions for all women. Ending this form of discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right, but it is also crucial to achieving social justice.

The Project purpose is to improve quality of employment for women in Kosovo through addressing workplace discrimination and enforcement of women and labour related legislation.

‘Decent Work for Women’ is supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo, implemented by the Kosovo Stability Initiative and the Center for Policy and Advocacy.

Social Dialogue 4 Social Justice

The Coalition for Social Justice and Socio-Economic Rights was established in 2019 between the Peer Educators Network - PEN, the Kosovo Stability Initiative - IKS, the Center for Policy and Advocacy, Democracy for Development (D4D), the Federation of Health Trade Unions of Kosovo - FSSHK and Kosovo Police Union - SPK.

The overall objective of this coalition is to improve the quality and intensity of social dialogue by improving the preconditions for meaningful discussion between the social partners. Further, the project aims to build capacity and reorganize the social partners in Kosovo.

The project is funded by the Olof Palme International Center with support from the Swedish Government.

Decent work in the digital era: do call centre workers in the Western Balkan know whom to call?

The overall objective of the project is to increase the access to decent work and respect of labour rights in Western Balkan region.

The specific objectives that the project strives to achieve include are:

SO1: Evaluation of the call centre sector situation (decent work) as a new and important sector for the employment in Western Balkans (baseline studies in each country except Albania);

SO2: Increase information and awareness on labour rights in Western Balkans, especially in call centre sector, based on the recommendations of the baseline studies (SO1). Rritja e informacionit dhe ndërgjegjësimit për të drejtat e punës në Ballkanin Perëndimor, veçanërisht në sektorin e qendrave të thirrjeve, bazuar në rekomandimet e studimeve fillestare (SO1).

The project is implemented under the leadership of Together for Life (AL), in partnership with IKS (Kosovo) and CENTER – Public Policy Research Center (SRB) is funded by SIDA through Olof Palme Center.