Preparation of a Baseline Study about gender-based discrimination in the workplace

Kosovar Stability Initiative (IKS), in partnership with Kosovar Gender Studies Center (KGSC), is implementing the project “Advancing Gender Equality and Diversity through Elimination of Gender-Based Discrimination at Workplace”, funded by the European Union, managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo. The main aim of the project is to identify some of the current struggles and challenges in organizing the labor market in Kosovo from the prism of human rights on gender-based discrimination. By identifying the main issues, the proposed action will also list the most appropriate public policies and strategies for the key actors for interventions in the labor market with the purpose of enhancing current norms and practices at work, with an emphasis on underprivileged social groups. The proposed action targets the more sensitive social groups in Kosovo, which stand at the bottom of the social and economic hierarchy, and gives a stance in including and respecting their rights, as a precondition of Kosovo to fulfill EU Accession processes. To achieve this, the specific objectives of the project are committed to:
O1: Improve gender perspective in EU accession documents.
O2: Increase the engagement of women’s organizations in the EU Integration process.
O3: Inform and engage society in Gender and EU Integration discourse


Companies/experts submitting proposals are invited to demonstrate their capability and credentials to offer these services. Interested companies should submit their proposal including the required documents such as:
– A proposal of the methodological approach;
– At least two references of similar work in the past;
– Financial offer,
Implemented by:
– Business ID (for companies/organizations only); and
– Personal CV (for individuals only) or CV of one of the experts involved in the research (for companies only).
All required documents should be submitted to the email, no later than the 14th of August at 17:00.

Below you will find the Terms of Reference.

Conduct survey with businesses in the gastronomy sector to monitor the implementation of labor related legislation in Kosovo

IKS is implementing the project “Toward Social Justice and Equity”, funded by International Swedish Agency for development – SIDA, through Community Development Fund – CDF. The Overall Objective of the Project is to contribute to greater social justice by improving implementation of labour rights and
labour-related legislation through enabling active engagement of civil society and social partners. A greater social justice would contribute to better distribution of opportunities, wealth and privileges in the society. This would directly enhance the condition in the labour market for all workers and especially the more vulnerable groups: women and formally and informally employed in the private sector, as the least protected categories in the labour market at risk of being poor. To achieve this, we have set the specific objectives of the Project such as:

SO1: Increase civil society and citizen engagement in reporting labour-related violations and enforcement of labour rights and Occupational Safety and Health; Increase civil society and citizen engagement in reporting labour-related violations and enforcement of labour rights and Occupational Safety and Health;
SO2: Increase information and awareness on labour rights in Western Balkans, especially in call centre sector, based on the recommendations of the baseline studies (SO1). Promote social justice and especially OSH law enforcement across the labour-market and in public domain;
SO3: Strengthen the capacities of Social Partners to more effectively represent their constituencies;
SO4: Contribute to Policy Debate by analysing, debating and initiating policy change;
SO5: influence and support initiatives for establishment of trade unions in the private sector in non-
traditional trade union sectors.

Companies/experts submitting proposals are invited to demonstrate their capability and credentials to
offer these services. Interested companies should submit their proposal including the required documents such as:
– A proposal of the methodological approach;
– At least two references of similar work in the past;
– Financial offer,
– Business ID (for companies/organizations only); and
– Personal CV (for individuals only) or CV of one of the experts involved in the research (for companies only).

All required documents should be submitted to the email, no later than
the 24th of July at 17:00.

For detailed information about the Terms of Reference, please review the document: