Terms of Reference: Training on Mitigation and Mediation

IKS is implementing the project “Toward Social Justice and Equity”, funded by International Swedish Agency for development – SIDA, through Community Development Fund – CDF. The Overall Objective of the Project is to contribute to greater social justice by improving implementation of labor rights and labor-related legislation through enabling active engagement of civil society and social partners. A greater social justice would contribute to better distribution of opportunities, wealth and privileges in the society. This would directly enhance the condition in the labor market for all workers and especially the more vulnerable groups: women and formally and informally employed in the private sector, as the least protected categories in the labor market at risk of being poor. To achieve this, we have set the specific objectives of the Project such as:  

SO1: Increase civil society and citizen engagement in reporting labor-related violations and enforcement of labor rights and Occupational Safety and Health; 

S02: Promote social justice and especially OSH law enforcement across the labor-market and in public domain; 

 S03: Strengthen the capacities of Social Partners to more effectively represent their constituencies;  

S04: Contribute to Policy Debate by analyzing, debating and initiating pol icy change;  

SO5: influence and support initiatives for establishment of trade unions in the private sector in non-traditional trade union sectors.  

Scope of Work:

Mediation is an underutilized legal mechanism that the project seeks to promote in resolving labour-related conflicts. However, alternative dispute resolution is a relatively new concept in Kosovo, only in 2008 the first Law on Arbitration and the Law on Mediation were adopted, followed by the Law of 2018 which introduced compulsory mediation. Adhering to this type of out-of-court mechanism for disputes is still relatively neglected by the business community. Accepting arbitration and mediation remains challenging. Moreover, the general lack of awareness was remains a difficult challenge to address. 

The contract on mediation and mitigation training aims to address key issues on violations of labor and OSH laws. Through this service contract, the objective is to utilize strategic conflict mitigation and mediation as an approach to improve the implementation of labour related legislation through responsible institution on solving violations of labour. Engagement of the judiciary system in improving the implementation of laws, represents a unique opportunity for advancing the implementation quality of labour related legislation. 

By supporting litigation cases related to violations of labour legislation, the project seeks to make case law an instrument to implementation of legal provisions and raising the awareness of those discriminated against, to address the injustice done towards them through the legal system.  

Submitting the offer 

All companies/expert that would like to express their interest, send the proposal along with financial offer, at email address info@iksweb.org, no later than 18th of September 2024. The application should include CV of the expert as well as proven experience in the past.

Do you want to submit an offer? Click the button below for more information.