Thirrje për propozim: Avancimi i barazisë dhe diversitetit gjinor përmes eliminimit të diskriminimit me bazë gjinore në vendin e punës

Është hapur thirrja për propozime për grante të vogla.

Organizatat e pranueshme për të aplikuar janë organizatat e shoqërisë civile të regjistruara në Kosovë që synojnë informimin dhe avokimin për barazinë gjinore dhe parandalimin e diskriminimit në vendin e punës.

Sesioni informativ për këtë thirrje do të mbahet online më 29 Prill 2024.

Ky aktivitet implementohet në kuadër të projektit ‘Avancimi i barazisë dhe diversitetit gjinor përmes eliminimit të diskriminimit me bazë gjinore në vendin e punës’, i financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian dhe implementuar nga Iniciativa Kosovare për Stabilitet dhe Qendra Kosovoare për Studime Gjinore.

Thirrja do të jetë e hapur deri më datë 20 maj në ora 17:00. Për më shumë informacion dhe dokumentet për aplikim, klikoni në:

Grant_Guidelines-Call for Proposals


Budget Form

FAQs – Pyetjet me te shpeshta

Terms of Reference – Production of investigative documentary and media presence on working conditions and minimum wage in the country


Title of the action: Production of investigative documentary and media presence on working conditions and minimum wage in the country.


IKS is implementing the project “Toward Social Justice and Equity”, funded by International Swedish Agency for development – SIDA, through Community Development Fund – CDF. The Overall Objective of the Project is to contribute to greater social justice by improving implementation of labor rights and labor-related legislation through enabling active engagement of civil society and social partners. A greater social justice would contribute to better distribution of opportunities, wealth and privileges in the society. This would directly enhance the condition in the labor market for all workers and especially the more vulnerable groups: women and formally and informally employed in the private sector, as the least protected categories in the labor market at risk of being poor. To achieve this, we have set the specific objectives of the Project such as:

SO1: Increase civil society and citizen engagement in reporting labor-related violations and enforcement of labor rights and Occupational Safety and Health;

 S02: Promote social justice and especially OSH law enforcement across the labor-market and in public domain;

 $03: Strengthen the capacities of Social Partners to more effectively represent their constituencies;

S04: Contribute to Policy Debate by analyzing, debating and initiating pol icy change;

SO5: influence and support initiatives for establishment of trade unions in the private sector in non-traditional trade union sectors.

1.  Scope of Work:

The contract on production of investigative documentary and media presence aims to address key issues related to living conditions and poverty, particularly focusing on the perspectives and concerns of the minimum waw. Through this service contract, the objective is to develop investigative and informative documentary that shed light on the various facets of living conditions and establish a strong media presence, including social media platforms, to amplify the project’s impact.

Professional company/expert will be selected in a competitive process. The main mean of distribution will be through social media, but also in local media. The selected contractor is expected to perform the following tasks:

2. Video Production: 

 – Develop a concept and storyboard for the documentary.

– Conduct interviews with relevant identified stakeholders, including realistic characters, or representatives, experts, and industry professionals if that applies.

– Film and produce high-quality videos that effectively communicate with target audience on living conditions.

 – Ensure the videos comply with ethical guidelines and respect the diversity of perspectives.

3.  Media Presence:

 – Create and implement a comprehensive media strategy to ensure broad dissemination of project-related content.

– Manage presence in media and social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, lnstagram, and others.

4.  Outputs:

– A documentary reflecting the living conditions and minimum wage in Kosovo.

– The documentary should have investigative content and be developed in the field in realistic conditions with chosen characters.

5.  Capacities Required

The following are the key minimum capabilities required for the proper execution of the above scope of work:

  • Has the necessary qualified human and technical resources capable of completing the assignment within the given time limit with high professionalism.
  • Capacities to develop high quality video materials and visual campaign.
  • Proven experience in working with the Civil Society Sector and Donors.
  • Creativity in carrying out and developing the required activities.
  • Provide transportation for filming team and equipment tv within Kosovo based on the needs of the project.

6. Timing and Location

 The service agreement will start from the 19th of April 2024 until 30th of April 2024.

7.  Eligibility

  • Extensive and proven experience in production and editing of high-quality videos.
  • Excellent technical capacities.
  • Experience working with non-governmental organizations and international agencies.
  • Able to work under time pressure.

8.  Payment

The amount maximum amount foreseen for this service will be agreed upon. Payments will be made in one instalment.

9.  Evaluation grid

The Contracting authority selects the offer with the best value for money using an 80/20 weighing between technical quality and price. Evaluation will be based on the following grid:

  • Evaluation process Points
  • General professional experience 40%
  • Specific professional experience 40%

10. Submitting the offer

All companies/ expert that would like to express their interest, send the proposal along with financial offer, at email address, no later than 17th of April 2024.

Download the full document here: TOR – Video Production

Call for Proposals for the Youth Fund „Local Youth Initiatives“ is open!

Today, on the 8th April 2024, we are officially launching the open Call for Proposals for the Youth Fund „Local Youth Initiatives“ within the framework of the project Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe funded by the European Union.

Youth Fund for Local Youth Initiatives provides grants to support civil society organizations for projects that will improve and develop participatory youth policies in communities of the Western Balkans by supporting youth initiatives and fostering active citizenship and participation of young people in monitoring reforms and policies impacting youth in the region.

Eligible organizations for applying are civil society organizations registered in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Project proposals within this Call will be submitted in a two-step procedure: 1st step – Concept Note phase and 2nd step – Full application phase.

Deadline for submitting concept notes is 8th May 2024 by 20:00 (Belgrade time);

Applicants must apply in English, online to the email address:

Information session on this Call for proposals to be held online, on 12th April 2024, from 12:00 to 13:30 (Belgrade time). Should you be interested in this session, please fill in the form by 11th April 2024 to be found here.

Questions requesting further explanations of the Call may be sent by e-mail no later than 20th April 2024 to the E-mail address  Replies will be individually sent to applicants by 25th April 2024.

You can find below the Guidelines for grant applicants and the annexes needed for the project application.

The Youth Fund “Local Youth Initiatives” is a FSTP (financial support to third parties) i.e. sub-granting activity of the three-year regional project “Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe” (RYDE), funded by the European Union in the period 2023-2026 through EU Civil Society Facility and Media Programme in favour of the Western Balkans and Turkey for 2021-2023 (IPA III). The RYDE project is being implemented by the Center for Democracy Foundation from Serbia as a lead partner in cooperation with the partnering civil society organizations from the Western Balkans: Academy of European Integrations and Negotiations (Albania), Youth Act Center (Albania), Kosovar Stability Initiative (Kosovo*), Network of Progressive Initiatives (Bosnia and Herzegovina), NGO Info Center Foundation (North Macedonia) and Regional Academy for Democratic Development (Serbia).

📄 Doc #1 Guidelines for applicants_Youth Fund for Local Youth Initiatives

📄 Doc #2 Annex Ia – Concept Note Form

📄 Doc #3 Annex Ib – Full Application Form

📄 Doc #4 Annex II – Detailed Budget

📄 Doc #5 Annex III Logical framework

📄 Doc #6 Annex IV – Declaration by the Grant Applicant

📄 Doc #7 Annex V – Declaration on partnership by the Associate Partner


Terms of Reference – Experts for Youth participation in Kosovo and Albania, Desk research on youth policies

Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe-RYDE (hereinafter referred to as the Project) financed by the European Union (EU), on the basis of grant no. 441-454, is being implemented in the period from February 1, 2023 until January 31, 2026. The Center for Democracy Foundation from Belgrade (Serbia) is the lead partner of the Project and coordinates the work of project partners (hereinafter referred to as Partners) in the consortium consisting of Academy of European Integrations and Negotiations-AIEN and Youth Act from Tirana (Albania),  Network of Progressive Initiatives-NPI from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), NGO Info Center from Skopje (North Macedonia), Kosovar Stability Initiative-KSI from Prishtina (Kosovo*) and Regional Academy for Democratic Development – ADD from Novi Sad (Serbia).

For more information, visit this link Lot 2_Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference – Experts for a Socio-economic area of Kosovo and Albania, Desk research on youth policies

Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe-RYDE (hereinafter referred to as the Project) financed by the European Union (EU), on the basis of grant no. 441-454, is being implemented in the period from February 1, 2023 until January 31, 2026. The Center for Democracy Foundation from Belgrade (Serbia) is the lead partner of the Project and coordinates the work of project partners (hereinafter referred to as Partners) in the consortium consisting of Academy of European Integrations and Negotiations-AIEN and Youth Act from Tirana (Albania),  Network of Progressive Initiatives-NPI from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), NGO Info Center from Skopje (North Macedonia), Kosovar Stability Initiative-KSI from Prishtina (Kosovo*) and Regional Academy for Democratic Development – ADD from Novi Sad (Serbia).

For more information,  visit this link – Lot 1_ Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference – Conduct Annual Survey

Title of the action: Conduct annual survey with businesses across Kosovo to monitor the implementation of labor related legislation in Kosovo


IKS is implementing the project “Toward Social Justice and Equity”, funded by International Swedish Agency for development – SIDA, through Community Development Fund – CDF. The Overall Objective of the Project is to contribute to greater social justice by improving implementation of labour rights and labour-related legislation through enabling active engagement of civil society and social partners. A greater social justice would contribute to better distribution of opportunities, wealth and privileges in the society.


The purpose of this research is to assess the current situation in the private sector in Kosovo about the labor rights and health and safety working conditions. The survey results will be presented to stakeholders and serve for improving the legislation and/or implementation of existing legal base.

The call will be open for a week, starting from 12th of September 2023. The deadline for proposal submission is 30.09.2023 at

For more detailed information: Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference – Junior Researchers for Survey

The Center for Democracy Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the CDF) implements the three-year regional project Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe-RYDE (hereinafter referred to as the Project) financed by the European Union (EU) on the basis of grant no. 441-454. The project is being implemented in the period from February 1, 2023 until January 31, 2026. The CDF is the lead partner of the Project and coordinates the work of project partners (hereinafter referred to as Partners) in the consortium consisting of AIEN (Albania), Youth Act (Albania), Network of Progressive Initiatives-NPI (Bosnia and Herzegovina), NGO Info Center (North Macedonia), Kosovar Stability Initiative- IKS (Kosovo*) and Regional Academy for Democratic Development – ADD (Serbia).

The goal of the Project is to contribute to strengthening the participatory democracy of European integration and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans, through increased influence of civil society organizations, especially youth organizations in the promotion of democratic values, political, economic and social benefits of European integration of the Western Balkans.

For information regarding the ToR and how to apply, please see document: 📄 ToR junior researchers RYDE Survey FINAL

The documents must be sent at the email, no later than 4th of August.

Terms of Reference – Senior Researchers for Survey

The Center for Democracy Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the CDF) implements the three-year regional project Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe-RYDE (hereinafter referred to as the Project) financed by the European Union (EU) on the basis of grant no. 441-454. The project is being implemented in the period from February 1, 2023 until January 31, 2026. The CDF is the lead partner of the Project and coordinates the work of project partners (hereinafter referred to as Partners) in the consortium consisting of AIEN (Albania), Youth Act (Albania), Network of Progressive Initiatives-NPI (Bosnia and Herzegovina), NGO Info Center (North Macedonia), Kosovar Stability Initiative- IKS (Kosovo*) and Regional Academy for Democratic Development – ADD (Serbia).

The goal of the Project is to contribute to strengthening the participatory democracy of European integration and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans, through increased influence of civil society organizations, especially youth organizations in the promotion of democratic values, political, economic and social benefits of European integration of the Western Balkans.

For more information on the ToR and how to submit, please see the document: 📄ToR senior national experts RYDE Survey Final

The documents must be sent at the email, no later than 4th of August.

Aplikimet për Shkollën Rajonale për Pjesëmarrje Rinore POLITEA për 2023 janë të hapura!

Ne ju ftojmë të aplikoni për Shkollën Rajonle për Pjesëmarrje Rinore që do të zhvillohet në 6-12 korrik në Nish, Serbi.

Shkolla e pare për shoqërinë civile POLITEIA u zhvillua në 1997 ku të rinjtë fituan njohuri të vlefshme mbi vlerat europiane dhe demokratike. Qysh atëhere, qindra të rinjve iu mësua dhe u motivuan të marrin pjesë aktivisht në proceset sociale dhe politike. POLITEIA është njohur si një nga programet edukativ jo-formal për shkak të zgjedhjes së mrekullueshme të lektorëve, metodologjisë ndëraktive si dhe zgjedhjes së pjesëmarrësve cilësorë. POLITEA u zgjerua në nivel rajonal gjatë tre viteve të projektit rajonal “Regional Youth Compact for Europe – RYCE” (2018-2021) dhe pjesëmarrja është tani e mundur për të rinj nga i gjithë rajoni i Balkanit Perëndimor. Shkolla Rajonale POLITEIA është e organizuar brenda projektit rajonal 3 vjeçar“Regional Dialogue for Europe” e financuar nga Bashkimi Europian.

Disa nga çështjet kryesore të POLITEA-s këtë vit do të jenë:

  • Bashkimi Europian dhe zgjerimi – Balkani Perëndimor dhe aderimi në BE: Western Balkans and accession to the EU: stagnami apo progres?
  • Identiteti Kombëtar, Rajonal dhe Europian – Si mund ti lidhim ato?
  • Çfarë lloj progresi ekonomik dhe social do të sillte adaptimi i standardeve europiane?
  • Çfarë shteti dhe shoqërie duam të ndërtojmë?
  • Hapësira publike – përfshirëse, demokratike, pa gjuhë urrejtje dhe lajme të rreme
  • Çfarë janë detyrat e vendit në rrugën për në BE? Si i ndihmon BE që t’i arrijnë ato?
  • Sfidat kyçe në nivel kombëtar dhe rajonal
  • Bashkëpunimi Rajonal – një kusht për pranimin në BE ose një nevojë reale në Balkanin Perëndimor?
  • Çfarë janë politikat publike dhe si formulohen ato?
  • Çfarë janë politikat e rinisë në BE dhe Balkani Perëdimor?
  • Dialog midis rinisë dhe vendimmarrësve – si është e organizuar, kur merr pjesë, çfarë diskutohet?

Pjesëmarrja në Shkollën e Balkanit Perëndimor për Pjesëmarrjen Rinore POLITEA është e hapur për student, maturantë, profesionistë dhe aktivistë të rinj nga mosha 18 deri në 58 nga Shqipëria, Bosnje-Hercegovina, Mali i Zi, Kosova, Serbia dhe Maqedonia e Veriut. Pjesëmarrësit do të zgjidhen sipas arritjeve akademike, aktivizmit dhe arritjet të tjera si dhe nga motivimi i tyre për të qenë pjesë e rrjetit të ish-studentëve të POLITEA.

Kandidatët e suksesshëm do të jenë ata që kanë një interes të forte në marrje njohurive të reja rreth përfitimeve sociale, ekonomike dhe politike të integrimit në BE të Balkanit Perëndimor, politikave të rinisë, rrjetit të të rinjve në nivel rajonal dhe europian, si dhe mekanizmat për pjesëmarrje në procesin e krijimit dhe zbatimit të politikës publike.

Certifikatë për përmbylljen me sukses të Shkollës Rajonale për Pjesëmarrjen Rinore POLITEIA do t’i jepet pjesëmarrësve.

Afati i aplikimit është 4 qershor 2023.

Ju lutem kini parasysh që pjesëmarrja në Shkollën Rajonale për Pjesëmarrjen Rinore POLITEIA është falas! Organizatori do t’ju mbuloj të gjitha shpenzimet për akomodimin, ushqimin dhe udhëtimin.

Terms of Reference Solidar Suisse

Training and mentoring women in traning to gain textile skill is one of the activities implemented under the ‘’SpeakUp’ project, by Iniciativa Kosovare per Stabilitet, funded by Solidar Suisse.

IKS intends to commission a local expert to support the identified potential women by coaching and mentoring them in textile skills such as cutting and sewing, as part of “SPEAKUP” project. IKS will coordinate this effort, but the expert would be responsible for organizing and communicating with the targeted audience. IKS reserves the right to review and approve the methodology and all instruments, guides, and or administrative procedures as necessary to comply with IKS procedures.

Consultant submitting proposals are invited to demonstrate their capability and credentials to offer these services (e.g. past experience in the field), set out their proposed methodological approach and quote a price for the services requested.

Evaluation factors will include: proposed cost of services, quality and detail of the proposal, integrity of the proposed methodology and integrity of the administration plan; the degree to which the proposals demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Kosovo’s textile industry and challenges faced, and; the relevance and creativity of the proposed training content. IKS will select the proposal that demonstrates the best combination of price and proposed methodology/implementation plan.

The deadline for accepting offers is 1st of April 2023. All application should be sent at

For full description of the Terms of Reference, please see this link: TERMS OF REFERENCE.